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    , 61 лет
    США, Shawnee Mission, Kansas

    As I have found someone on your site that I will be visiting in August I wish to delete my profile. Thank you for an excellent site.
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    , 64 лет
    США, ,

    I have begun a relationship with a lady, and no longer need this service. It was wonderful, and thank you.
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    , 64 лет
    Канада, Lethbridge

    Yes I wish to deleye my profile and pictures. This site is one of the best sites I have evry been on. Should I ever join a dting site again this will be the one. However..for now I wish to delete my accoiunt. Thanks
  • 25.05.08
    Great site i have met many friends on here and soon i hope to visit russia to see some of them great job well done
  • Женат/замужем
    Dear organizers dating site!
    I would like to thank you for what you have created this project. I have never believed in true love, but thank to your site, I met a most remarkable man! His name is Greg, and he is 40 from Ohio, USA. And he gave me to understand that there is such thing as true love! We love each other and going to marry soon here in Irkutsk! We are happy because of you! Thank you very much!
  • 23.05.08
    I also desire complimenting myself with you and all who administrate this site,I think you do an excellent job of overlooking and (surveillance) of tha activities.You are very careful and professional,and this makes (clients) like myself feel better and (protected).Really an excellent effort on your behalf,I admire your administration.Unlike most western sites where you will find just about every kind of (garbage)!!!!!!And administration does never provide you with the same service,they do not even dream about contacting a person directly like you do.People are just numbers to them.....Once again,thanks for your excellence and courtesy,my best wishes and a very pleasant day to you,a big hug,bye :) :)
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    , 33 лет
    Казахстан, Другой

    i realy hope that i'm find my dream man))) thanks a lot of your site
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    , 31 лет
    Ирландия, Dublin

    I have found somebody on this site that i would like to give my full attention to. Congratulations on a excellent service.
  • 15.05.08
    Hello, managers! I want to say big thanks for so kindly site! Very pleasantly to looking for a man with so good aid!
  • 15.05.08
    I was so lucky to hsve found my soul mate with whom I want to live for the rest of my life. Thanking you to have brought me together with my destinity with probably the best match I ever could wish for.
  • avatar

    , 67 лет
    Австралия, Brisbane

    I have the Woman for me and I would like to thank you for you help in this matter we are very Happy people the Both of us I wish to tank the Agency for your help. Yours Sincerely.
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    , 67 лет
    Австралия, Brisbane

    To Whom it May Concern. I wish to thank you for your help in finding the most Beautiful Woman I'm very Happy. To all concerned I again wish to Thank You. Yours Sincerely
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    , 47 лет
    Нидерланды, Rotterdam

    would like to come back when I am ready; this is a great site! and serious and genuine; I would gladly start talking and making my good choice but too soon for me.
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    , 49 лет
    Великобритания, London

    Hi, found someone who is beautiful, smart and interesting and meeting up soon, so thats it for now. Good site and its been fun !!
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    , 47 лет
    США, Rossville, Ohio

    I have found the love of my life on your site!!!! She is everything to me. I will be with her in Irkutsk in September and I hope forever after that. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! You have made a dream come true. She is my life now...and I believe her when she says I am hers.
  • 06.05.08
    Hello. First of all I want to thank you that you helped me find my soulmate here on this site, it was a realy helpful site! Second, I want you to delete my profile again...because....even though that I am a very curious person, my better half got very upset when she saw that I had my profile here. And therefore I find it better to not have it, so it make her more relaxed. thank you again and have a nice day!:o)
    best regards
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    , 47 лет
    США, West Seneca, New York

    I have found a wonderful Russian woman on your site and I would like to say Thank You very much... I have tried many websites both local in the U.S. and abroad and yours is the best. I have had many pleasant experiences here and enjoyed my time on the site.
  • 04.05.08
    Like a breath of fresh air in the summer heat, your site has again given me hope. Unlike many sites that only strip one of money, yours is honest, I want to thank you
  • , 57 лет
    Австралия, Sydney

    I have found someone and I wish not to receive any more notices thank you ,you have helped me a lot you have lovely women on this site
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    , 47 лет
    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

    I have found a man through your site. Thank you! Hope other people will be as lucky as I'm.
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