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    , 52 лет
    США, Jacksonville, FL

    This is an excellent site. I have found my special lady. Thank you very much.
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    , 68 лет
    Италия, Pisa

    Questo sito è il migliore che io ho conosciuto in 3 anni di ricerca.
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    , 35 лет
    Украина, Севастополь

    It really works!)))) Fantastic site!!
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    , 62 лет
    США, Gretna, LA

    Yes i found some one here .
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    , 62 лет
    США, Gretna, LA

    If some one writes to you 9 months stright and you can't waite for there letters
    love will grow.i found my love i went to Kieve and it was beautiful we will marry when she comes to usa thank you.
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    , 31 лет
    Туркменистан, Ашхабад

    I meet a right man
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    , 31 лет
    Южная Африка, Transvaal

    i have found somebody that i realy like,and feel to rather leave the sit and work on my new relatinship with my new friend! Thank you.
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    , 44 лет
    Австралия, Bendigo

    Thank you so much to Irina and her staff for a wonderful site. I have met the most amazing lass, i don't know what the future holds but we shall see. Cheers , Styart
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    , 54 лет
    Канада, Saskatoon

    I found someone on this site!!!!
  • , 54 лет
    Норвегия, Kristiansand

    I have found my woman, so I thank you for a well organized site...Kai
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    , 41 лет
    Великобритания, London

    i found a lady from your site, we are very happy and thanks for the lovely site. and keep up the good work
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    , 41 лет
    Бразилия, Other

    I found a aazing girl here, and at Crhisthmas holidays we'll be seen. I'm sute that girl will be my wife. I love thta girl.
  • Женат/замужем

    , лет

    I wish to thank allsinglerussiangirls for providing a site that allowed me to meet my future wife. The staff is very professional and knowledgeable have been very helpful in making the arrangements that were needed for me to come to Russia. I would recommend your agency to anyone who was interested in finding a partner for life. Again thank you to all the staff at allsinglerussiangirls for their great help.
    Arleighh,Pompano Beach, Florida
  • Обручен/а

    , 57 лет
    США, Las Vegas, NV


    , 42 лет
    Россия, Екатеринбург

    Dear Irina;

    I have written to you in the past, not sure if you will remember me. I would like to "THANK YOU" for everything that you have done for me. You have warned me of scammers, pointed me in the right direction in finding a sincere Russian woman. I thought you would like to know that I am going to be one of your success stories. I met Natalya on August 15, 2010, we corresponded for 5 months. She invited me to come and meet her. I set up a trip to Ekaterinburg the end of January, to go and meet her and spend her birthday with her. I spent 2 wonderful weeks with her, her family and friends. It was a trip of a lifetime. On the last evening before I was to leave for the United States, I proposed to Natalya. I dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me. I got a definite "DA"!!!!!! We have just started the paperwork to bring Natalya and her 10 year old son to America. I would like to Thank you and your fabulous staff for all the help and encouragement that was sent our way. If there is any other information about us that you need or would like to know, please do not hesitate to write me and ask. Thanks to you, Irina, You have made to distant star crossed lovers come together.

    Warmest Regards,Todd

    Natalya and I both feel as though that this meeting on your web site and our falling in love has to be destiny. Of all the web sites available, all the women and men on your site, that the two of us would talk for 5 months, then meet face to face and be totally in love has got to be in the hands of our Lord. I certainly would not mind sending you a photo of us together. You and your staff have been nothing short of professional and accommodating to all my needs, issues and have been very helpful. Thank you again from both Natalya and I for everything that you and your staff have done for us!!!!!

  • , 55 лет
    Испания, Alicante

    I have found a wonderful and beautiful lady and therefore wish to delete my profile please.
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    , 51 лет
    Великобритания, London

    I have met a wonderful girl
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    , 35 лет
    Казахстан, Алма-Аты

    Beleive in your desteny and it comes true! Good luck to all!
  • avatar

    , 43 лет
    Канада, Vancouver

    I have found my love, thank you
  • Женат/замужем
    thank you for the site! We found each other here 4 years ago! We are married now! And live in the USA!
  • Женат/замужем

    , 41 лет
    Испания, A Coruna

    pretty good site, I actually found a girl from KZ who's now my wife. The test made a really good match!!!

    I'd recommend you including somewhere information on how to get into CIS countries, proper pain in the neck!!
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